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Desajairl 11.07.2017 16:16
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Kennethfef 29.06.2017 22:05
Jewish Materialism The Religion Of The Jew
Note Marx's use of the phase Holocaust, which means a burnt offering to god. Marx was offering up the whole of the Goyim as a burnt offering to the Jewish god. Which is what the Jews consider the Messianic war they are to engage in to bring about their Messianic age. Is to be.
For a background on Karl Marx, from the book: The World Hoax. By Ernest Heimburst, who made a detailed study of the Jewish connection behind Communism:
"The Jew who originated Communism-Karl Heinrich Mordecai-who later changed his name to Marx, was born May 5th 1818, in Treves, Rhenish Prussia of Jewish parents. His father, a banker whose forefathers had been rabbis for 300 years, adopted Protestantism for business reasons, when young Marx was six years old. Marx's Protestantism was nothing more than a gesture, a mere admission ticket to society. At heart he remained a thorough Jew, and from his earliest childhood his most ardent concern was his domination of the Gentiles-but called by him the emancipation of the Jews."
Marx's father had made a pretend conversion to Christianity to be able to practice his business. The biographer of Marx, Richard Wurmbrand wrote that Marx had a secret altar in his home on which he would light candles while wearing a Jewish phylactery around his forehead and chanted the siddhur. The Jewish prayers.
This is why Karl Marx's writings on the Jews is quite revealing as to the real religion of the Jews. Despite the agenda of his writing an apologetic response to Bauer on the subject a lot of truth he ended up revealing, from Marx's work called, On The Jewish Question:
"Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew."
"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money."
"This is no isolated fact. The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner. Not only because through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar s the Christians have become Jews."
"Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man’s work and man’s existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it."
"The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange."
"The view of nature attained under the domination of private property and money is a real contempt for, and practical debasement of, nature; in the Jewish religion, nature exists, it is true, but it exists only in imagination."
"Christianity sprang from Judaism. It has merged again in Judaism."
"From the outset, the Christian was the theorizing Jew, the Jew is, therefore, the practical Christian, and the practical Christian has become a Jew again."
"The monotheism of the Jew, therefore, is in reality the polytheism of the many needs, a polytheism which makes even the lavatory an object of divine law. Practical need, egoism, is the principle of civil society, and as such appears in pure form as soon as civil society has fully given birth to the political state. The god of practical need and self-interest is money."
What Marx's reveals is the Jewish zeitgeist is one of practical materialism. He himself reveals this in his ideology of Communism which conceives the world in the same materialistic fashion. Marx admits Christianity is simply Judaism and Judaism is a religion of materialism. The aim of Marx was simply to mobilize the working classes to destroy Gentile civilization and create a situation in which all the wealth and property of the Gentiles would be owned by the Communist state of which the Jews themselves are the Communist state. Hence the state becomes God and the Jews become God via being the state. Marx tries to tell people the state will just writher away......Which is a knowing lie. What state in history which Marx claimed to be student of just gave up power....None. The Jews define the Messiah also as the Jewish People in general in their own encyclopedia. Communism was meant to be Jewish Messianic movement to give the Jews the world and all the wealth of it as they are promised the Messiah will accomplish. This is why the co author of the Communist Manifesto a Jew named Moses Hess, was the father of Zionism in which he wrote Zionism is the creation of a global Jewish Empire run from Israel. Which his ideology of Communism obvious is meant to bring about.
When the Jews destroyed the Gentile cultures with Christianity they knew what they were doing making a world in which they could eventually control it by lowering it to pure Jewish materialism. The surviving texts in the east mention that its not having spiritual knowledge and practice that lowers one to level of materialistic state which is tamasic which is the state of:
"The quality of imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, impurity, destruction, delusion, negativity, dullness or inactivity, apathy, inertia or lethargy, violence, viciousness, ignorance."
This state of spirituality is lost and higher consciousness is gone. The Gentile is victim to the Jewish black magic system of the Torah. It allows the Jews to infiltrate into the host society and take it over from within. Marx is the perfect example of this. Christianity is the fangs of the Jewish vampire in the neck of the Gentile victim.
The Jews has created an inverse world order from the Gentile. The Gentile world spiritual advancment determined status in society and ruler ship. The Rishi's the Pharaohs, Maha Siddha's were the leaders who ruled over a society based on spiritual advancement and spiritual ethic's. Which are based in a super conscious understanding of nature as the animation of the divine light of existence.
Under the Communist system same as the Christian system. The penalty for having spiritual knowledge is death. The Communist like the Crusaders before them. Executed anyone who was part of a spiritualist society or spiritual teacher. From China to Germany. The materialistic atheism of Marxism is just a way to fully shut the door on even the idea of anything spiritual and not pretend anymore like under Christianity. That way only the Jewish Rabbi's at the top have the occult knowledge and power and can rule thought it without opposition. The Jew stole and corrupted spiritual knowledge as a weapon to kill Gentiles and steal their wealth.
Despite Christianity's preaching against materialism. Christianity is materialism it removes the knowledge of the soul and has nothing spiritual, its preaching is lack of material ownership makes you a saint. That owning nothing is good. The family has to be hated and broken up, one must hate their mother and father. All of humanity is one blood and race with no differences and all are equal. That the Government is God. This is the core of the Communist Manifesto. Marx just gave the Christian back their religion in a secular fashion. Christianity's sole focus is on materiality. Not against it. The teachings against wealth create an unconscious block and belief system of poverty for Gentiles. Which allows a situation in which the Jews can corner the wealth and use this to ascend to world power. Communism is the Jewish synthesis of capitalism into state capitalism in a global run Jewish state, run by a Jewish plutocratic world government. The bible ends with a global Jewish government ruling the world. Thus setting this up to come about. The Jews always rule by scarcity in the Communism system which also allows them to monopolize power by control of Marx's "polytheism" of many basic needs.
When the Jews took over Russia with Communism they automatically set away to giving themselves and their fellow Jews the best luxury homes, material goods, food and special privilege's. The first act the Jew, Lenin did was pass the Anti-Semitism Act. Which made it the death penalty to point out the obvious Jewish power running the USSR.
The Jews create a world system where money is God and the Jews control all the Money. Where there are only two races the Owners, the Chosen People of Israel and the Goyim the slaves of the Jews.
Jewish Materialism The Religion Of The Jew
Note Marx's use of the phase Holocaust, which means a burnt offering to god. Marx was offering up the whole of the Goyim as a burnt offering to the Jewish god. Which is what the Jews consider the Messianic war they are to engage in to bring about their Messianic age. Is to be.
For a background on Karl Marx, from the book: The World Hoax. By Ernest Heimburst, who made a detailed study of the Jewish connection behind Communism:
"The Jew who originated Communism-Karl Heinrich Mordecai-who later changed his name to Marx, was born May 5th 1818, in Treves, Rhenish Prussia of Jewish parents. His father, a banker whose forefathers had been rabbis for 300 years, adopted Protestantism for business reasons, when young Marx was six years old. Marx's Protestantism was nothing more than a gesture, a mere admission ticket to society. At heart he remained a thorough Jew, and from his earliest childhood his most ardent concern was his domination of the Gentiles-but called by him the emancipation of the Jews."
Marx's father had made a pretend conversion to Christianity to be able to practice his business. The biographer of Marx, Richard Wurmbrand wrote that Marx had a secret altar in his home on which he would light candles while wearing a Jewish phylactery around his forehead and chanted the siddhur. The Jewish prayers.
This is why Karl Marx's writings on the Jews is quite revealing as to the real religion of the Jews. Despite the agenda of his writing an apologetic response to Bauer on the subject a lot of truth he ended up revealing, from Marx's work called, On The Jewish Question:
"Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew."
"What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money."
"This is no isolated fact. The Jew has emancipated himself in a Jewish manner. Not only because through him and also apart from him, money has become a world power, and the practical Jewish spirit has become the practical spirit of the Christian nations. The Jews have emancipated themselves insofar s the Christians have become Jews."
"Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man’s work and man’s existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it."
"The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange."
"The view of nature attained under the domination of private property and money is a real contempt for, and practical debasement of, nature; in the Jewish religion, nature exists, it is true, but it exists only in imagination."
"Christianity sprang from Judaism. It has merged again in Judaism."
"From the outset, the Christian was the theorizing Jew, the Jew is, therefore, the practical Christian, and the practical Christian has become a Jew again."
"The monotheism of the Jew, therefore, is in reality the polytheism of the many needs, a polytheism which makes even the lavatory an object of divine law. Practical need, egoism, is the principle of civil society, and as such appears in pure form as soon as civil society has fully given birth to the political state. The god of practical need and self-interest is money."
What Marx's reveals is the Jewish zeitgeist is one of practical materialism. He himself reveals this in his ideology of Communism which conceives the world in the same materialistic fashion. Marx admits Christianity is simply Judaism and Judaism is a religion of materialism. The aim of Marx was simply to mobilize the working classes to destroy Gentile civilization and create a situation in which all the wealth and property of the Gentiles would be owned by the Communist state of which the Jews themselves are the Communist state. Hence the state becomes God and the Jews become God via being the state. Marx tries to tell people the state will just writher away......Which is a knowing lie. What state in history which Marx claimed to be student of just gave up power....None. The Jews define the Messiah also as the Jewish People in general in their own encyclopedia. Communism was meant to be Jewish Messianic movement to give the Jews the world and all the wealth of it as they are promised the Messiah will accomplish. This is why the co author of the Communist Manifesto a Jew named Moses Hess, was the father of Zionism in which he wrote Zionism is the creation of a global Jewish Empire run from Israel. Which his ideology of Communism obvious is meant to bring about.
When the Jews destroyed the Gentile cultures with Christianity they knew what they were doing making a world in which they could eventually control it by lowering it to pure Jewish materialism. The surviving texts in the east mention that its not having spiritual knowledge and practice that lowers one to level of materialistic state which is tamasic which is the state of:
"The quality of imbalance, disorder, chaos, anxiety, impurity, destruction, delusion, negativity, dullness or inactivity, apathy, inertia or lethargy, violence, viciousness, ignorance."
This state of spirituality is lost and higher consciousness is gone. The Gentile is victim to the Jewish black magic system of the Torah. It allows the Jews to infiltrate into the host society and take it over from within. Marx is the perfect example of this. Christianity is the fangs of the Jewish vampire in the neck of the Gentile victim.
The Jews has created an inverse world order from the Gentile. The Gentile world spiritual advancment determined status in society and ruler ship. The Rishi's the Pharaohs, Maha Siddha's were the leaders who ruled over a society based on spiritual advancement and spiritual ethic's. Which are based in a super conscious understanding of nature as the animation of the divine light of existence.
Under the Communist system same as the Christian system. The penalty for having spiritual knowledge is death. The Communist like the Crusaders before them. Executed anyone who was part of a spiritualist society or spiritual teacher. From China to Germany. The materialistic atheism of Marxism is just a way to fully shut the door on even the idea of anything spiritual and not pretend anymore like under Christianity. That way only the Jewish Rabbi's at the top have the occult knowledge and power and can rule thought it without opposition. The Jew stole and corrupted spiritual knowledge as a weapon to kill Gentiles and steal their wealth.
Despite Christianity's preaching against materialism. Christianity is materialism it removes the knowledge of the soul and has nothing spiritual, its preaching is lack of material ownership makes you a saint. That owning nothing is good. The family has to be hated and broken up, one must hate their mother and father. All of humanity is one blood and race with no differences and all are equal. That the Government is God. This is the core of the Communist Manifesto. Marx just gave the Christian back their religion in a secular fashion. Christianity's sole focus is on materiality. Not against it. The teachings against wealth create an unconscious block and belief system of poverty for Gentiles. Which allows a situation in which the Jews can corner the wealth and use this to ascend to world power. Communism is the Jewish synthesis of capitalism into state capitalism in a global run Jewish state, run by a Jewish plutocratic world government. The bible ends with a global Jewish government ruling the world. Thus setting this up to come about. The Jews always rule by scarcity in the Communism system which also allows them to monopolize power by control of Marx's "polytheism" of many basic needs.
When the Jews took over Russia with Communism they automatically set away to giving themselves and their fellow Jews the best luxury homes, material goods, food and special privilege's. The first act the Jew, Lenin did was pass the Anti-Semitism Act. Which made it the death penalty to point out the obvious Jewish power running the USSR.
The Jews create a world system where money is God and the Jews control all the Money. Where there are only two races the Owners, the Chosen People of Israel and the Goyim the slaves of the Jews.
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